10 Dec '24

EMIN Releases an Album in Memory of Muslim Magomayev

On the eve of his anniversary, EMIN presents the album “Verni mne muzyku” with legendary songs by a man and artist who left an indelible mark on his life — Muslim Magomayev.  


The album includes 16 well-known and beloved songs. The title track "Verni mne muzyku", the danceable "Koroleva krasoty" and "Luchshiy gorod Zemli", the heartfelt "S rozhdeniya do vechnosti", "Blagodaryu tebya"), "Nam ne zhit drug bez druga", the iconic "Luch solntsa zolotogo", "Sinyaya vechnost" and many more. Each composition is presented with fresh arrangements while retaining the authentic atmosphere of Muslim Magomayev's era.  

"Muslim Magomayev not only formed my musical taste but also my genuine love for music. Thanks to him, I realized that I want to sing. I want my life to be filled with music. Who would have thought that I, a little boy who eagerly listened to every word of the Great maestro at family gatherings, would one day release an album featuring his songs!", –  EMIN shares.  

Tamara Sinyavskaya warmly supported the idea of recording an album dedicated to her husband, Muslim Magomayev:  "Congratulations on this wonderful, very professional, and heartfelt work in your music-filled life! Thank you for your kind Memory, Love, and Respect for Muslim Magomayev's musical legacy. You did an amazing job! Everything is at the highest level. Best of luck going forward."  

Tracklist of the album 
"Verni mne muzyku" 
In Memory of Muslim Magomayev:  

1. Verni mne muzyku 
2. Ne speshi 
3. Luch solntsa zolotogo 
4. Lunnaya serenada 
5. Noktyurn 
6. Koroleva krasoty 
7. Blagodaryu tebya 
8. Luchshiy gorod Zemli 
9. Melodiya 
10. Pozovi menya 
11. S rozhdeniya do vechnosti 
12. Nam ne zhit drug bez druga 
13. Vecher na reyde 
14. 12 mesyatsev nadezhdy 
15. Vesenniy kray — Azerbaijan 
16. Sinyaya vechnost (duet with Muslim Magomayev, LIVE) 

The author of the idea and performer is Emin Agalarov, the producer is Konstantin Nonikov. The album was created with the participation of musicians from different countries.